Make a Payment

If you are using the payment link below you must ensure that you transfer the correct balance and leave your name & accommodation address as a reference:
Click ‘Pay Now’ and you will be asked to ‘Continue to Payment’ which will take you to our payment portal: Read steps 1-4 below fully before continuing as they will not appear on the next pages.
Page 1
You will be asked to confirm the payment method (Visa/MasterCard etc)
Page 2
You will be asked for your billing information; this is the address your bank card is registered to
Page 3
‘Shipping Information’. If your billing address is not the same as the address you are making a rental payment for it is vital that you use the ‘shipping information’ page to input your rented accommodation address. If you are paying rent for somebody else, use the ‘shipping information’ page to give their name and rented address too
Page 4
Enter payment card details and complete payment

Make a Payment

Amount to pay: